Here is a tribute to one of my favorite toys I had during my my younger years as a child, that's right annother session of the school of old is about to begin.
In the early 80s, the cabbage patch kid craze started and every littile girl had a cabbage patch kid, in fact some of you readers might be guilty of having a cabage patch kid or two in the house. Now I'm not sure if they were trying to target cabage patch kids to boys as well, but if they were, Matel decided to come back with some competion of their own with a toy called my buddy. Now I must admit the song was pretty catchy and I still remember bits and parts of it. But lets face it the doll sucked, I'm not sure what matel was trying to do to little boys, because untill then most of them were having battle royals and handi cap fights with their Heman action figures.
I think other toy companys were also appalled at turning little american boys into doll totting fags, who would later have mental problems and low self esteem issues, and bullied there whole lifes, that's when MY BUDDY was released, My Pet Monster. My pet Monster came out on the scean to remind little boys what they had in between there legs, and have them know if you were going to play with a doll it better be one that looked like a monster.
I remember it took me a while to get my own monster, but when I finally did me and the monster were like one. Those that don't remember him he was about a three foot blue monster with gold vynal hands and feet and a darker blue cordoroy stomach, he had these cool hard plastic teeth and big wild plastic beety eyes, and a huge green nose with warts that potruted out of his monsterous face. The monster came with an orange pair of hand cuffs that would come apart to give the look that the monster could break through them easly with no problem and since the monsters arms were around as thick as any child that owned one, we could put the cuffs on as well and act like we broke through the chains ourselves.
My pet monster boasted hours of fun and delivered! My pet monster scared my buddy so bad that Matel had to drop the franchise and go with a kid sister doll, because they were getting reports of my pet monster owners decemating my buddy on the play ground. My pet monster I thank you for countless memories of fun and I salute you!
The Franchise was so popular it even spawned a live action movie and cartoon series.
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